Email signatures
We have a standard email signature for use in our emails.
To add the signature of your choice to your email, you can copy and paste the signature you like below.
If the copy/paste doesn't work, download the HTML file associated with the style you like. Open the file in a browser, then copy and paste everything in your email client.
After you have copied the template, you may change the following:
- Name
- Title
- Pronouns
- Phone Number(s)
- Email address
NOTE: By default, the phone numbers will include underlines. To remove this, you must select the phone number and manually click the underline (U) button on the editor to remove it.
Do not add any text to the signature. All email disclaimers and information is provided in the "email disclaimer" link. If something is missing from the disclaimers page, please inform your director to request an addition to this page.
Standard email signature
Stevie Wonder, ADAC
ADA Informational Specialist

Help us improve our services by taking our demographic poll
Email Disclaimer | Supported by NIDILRR grant #90DPAD0014
Pride version
Stevie Wonder, ADAC
ADA Informational Specialist

Help us improve our services by taking our demographic poll
Email Disclaimer | Supported by NIDILRR grant #90DPAD0014